The pre-vocational program provides training in the skills necessary to acquire paid employment. Areas included are: workplace responsibility and attentiveness, task completion, problem solving, social interaction and safety. All instruction takes place at supervised community work sites or at in-house work opportunities such as the coffee shop or at clerical jobs. Transportation available.
- (Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM)
Day Habilitation
The day habilitation program includes support that focuses on fostering greater levels of independence, fostering the uniqueness of everyone’s individuality, enhanced productivity and community inclusion. With this foundation, individuals may experience greater self-care, local volunteer experiences, horticulture & gardening, pet visiting, various exciting physical activities including basketball team participation, and creative arts. A prevocational setting within the day program is also available to help individuals with work-readiness skills that are important and relevant in obtaining and retaining supported employment. Transportation is available for those in need.
- (Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM)
For more information please contact:
Inez Barnwell-McCoy – 212.928.5810 Ext 121
Elizabeth Lindao- 212.928.5810 Ext 120
Who is eligible for Day Services?
- Adults, living in Manhattan or the Bronx, who have been diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability before age 21
Admission Requirements?
- Psychological Evaluation
- Psychosocial Evaluation
- Medical Evaluation with PPD clearance
- MSC or PCSS enrollment
- Waiver enrollment