
Community Habilitation

Trained staff assists individuals in their own environment to develop communication, daily living and socialization skills. Participants use community resources to increase independence. The program valued outcomes are generated from the individual’s service plan.


In-Home Respite

The overall objective of respite is to provide families with relief from their caregiving responsibilities. Trained workers are matched with families to offer in-home, supervised assistance to individuals in the comfort of their homes.

For more information please contact:
Mayelyn Rodriguez – 212.928.5810 Ext 143


Who is eligible for Community Services?

  • Individuals who reside in Manhattan and the Bronx and who have a diagnosis of a developmental disability

Admission Requirements?

  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Pyschosocial Evaluation
  • Medical Evaluation with PPD clearance
  • MSC or PCSS enrollment
  • Waiver enrollment
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